The Month of August has been spectacular in many ways for Brigade in a Kenya, we have had several Brigade activities ranging from Brigade camps and hikes to Brigade week activities for PCEA which is the cream of all brigade activities for every company.  Among all the activities the National organizer hosted the BB UK SEC Bill Stevenson @billBBHQ for a weekend to bench make and share experiences.

He had the privilege to grace two brigade activities at ACK Buruburu for the ACK Nairobi Diocese Brigade enrollment where over 600 Boys and Girls were enrolled to join the Christ centered movement. And also visited PCEA Kangira Boys ‘and Girls’ Brigade during their Brigade Sunday Celebration, Steve was really impressed for it was his has time to visit Kenya but was amazed by the similarities we have in Brigade though from different counties and continents. During his visit he also met with the BBK executive and held discussing on how the two organizations would collaborate.


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