Boys Brigade Kenya To be a Christian youth organization with a difference Fri, 06 Sep 2019 15:02:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Boys Brigade Kenya 32 32 214839864 “BECOMING A STRONG VOICE IN SOCIETY – FOR AND BY YOUTH – TO GET AND GIVE SPACE” Fri, 06 Sep 2019 13:13:36 +0000

Since inception Brigade was and still is focused to engage and involve youth in meaningful activities. This will enhance their skills and better their abilities at an all-round perspective, in pursuant of our vision statement “To Be a Christian Youth Organization of Choice.”

During the recently held Global Fellowship (Worldwide organization where National BB organizations are affiliated) Conference held in Lusaka Zambia, the theme revolved around strategically and intentionally involving youth as the main stakeholders in making and implementing  decisions at all levels of the organization. This involves NCOs and the Young officers being at the table of decisions-making and being members of different committees at deliberate on the day to day learning of the organization.

Without intentionally involving the youth, it would be difficult to realize our vision to shape and nurture youth into the desirable upright characters in church and society as we envisage. Senior leaders must delegate important roles and tasks to the youth, which will promote inclusivity in decision-making and implementation and create a sense of ownership and hence lead to the desired and sustainable growth of the organization.

Do you know the Junior’s Section Activities Award? Fri, 30 Aug 2019 10:14:24 +0000
This is the Junior Sections Award.

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Boys’ Brigade Origin Fri, 30 Aug 2019 10:02:03 +0000

Pcea Church of the torch Boys’ Brigade company at Kikuyu, Kenya in 1918. Such a heritage we should proudly preserve to inspire generations to come.

BOYS’ BRIGADE U.K. SECRETARY VISIT TO KENYA (8th-13th, Aug, 2019) Tue, 27 Aug 2019 13:43:29 +0000

The Month of August has been spectacular in many ways for Brigade in a Kenya, we have had several Brigade activities ranging from Brigade camps and hikes to Brigade week activities for PCEA which is the cream of all brigade activities for every company.  Among all the activities the National organizer hosted the BB UK SEC Bill Stevenson @billBBHQ for a weekend to bench make and share experiences.

He had the privilege to grace two brigade activities at ACK Buruburu for the ACK Nairobi Diocese Brigade enrollment where over 600 Boys and Girls were enrolled to join the Christ centered movement. And also visited PCEA Kangira Boys ‘and Girls’ Brigade during their Brigade Sunday Celebration, Steve was really impressed for it was his has time to visit Kenya but was amazed by the similarities we have in Brigade though from different counties and continents. During his visit he also met with the BBK executive and held discussing on how the two organizations would collaborate.


Global fellowship Triennial Council meeting at Lusaka, Zambia Mon, 26 Aug 2019 09:57:12 +0000 The Global Fellowship Of Christian Youth ( is an organization where all Brigade organization are affiliated, there are over 60 countries that Boys’ Brigade is run as an organization for youth to harness and nurture leadership and talents. Once in three years Global Fellowship (GF) delegates (National Brigade Leaders in Brigade organization) meet to deliberate on advancing Christ’s Kingdom and deliberate on issues affect the Youth across the global. This year’s Triennial Council’s meeting’s theme was BECOMING A STRONG VOICE IN SOCIETY FOR AND BY YOUTH TO GET AND GIVE SPACE. This will be an area which all member organization will work on to make sure the Youth have space to voice out their issue in the organization and in the society.

Kenya was well represented by four delegates namely:- the

  1. Charles Ng’ang’a,  – BBK National organizer
  2. Rev Parin Kabeu –        BBK National Chairman and also the ACK Nairobi Diocese  children Ministry coordinator, the
  3. Rev Pitas Kariuki  – BBK Treasurer who is the PCEA Children Ministry Director
  4. Susan Njoroge – BBK National Chairperson Training Department and also the ACK Kajiado Diocese children Ministry coordinator.

The Kenyan team learnt a lot from BB Zambia and also GB Zambia and the valuable lessons, experience and knowledge learnt from Zambia will be share and disseminated among our brigade members in Kenya. A strong link was established with BB Zambia leadership and members to network and share experience in areas where the two organizations have excelled. BB Kenya will learn a great deal on brass band ministry which is an area the Zambia has gratly outrivaled. It is also worthwhile to mention that executive members of the GF council are elected during this triennial meeting and a member of the EARF from BGB Uganda  ( Patrick Kabanda) was elected a member of the GF EXCO.

East Africa Regional Fellowship Thu, 08 Aug 2019 21:55:05 +0000 East Africa Regional Fellowship (EARF) . This is an Officer’s Workshop.

Date: 25th -30th Nov- 2019 | Venue: Kigali Christian School | Charges: Kshs 20,000

Includes fare from Nairobi to Kigali and Back accommodation fee and a trip.

Map of GF Member Organisations Thu, 08 Aug 2019 21:46:16 +0000

Learn Of Our International Fellowship of Christian Youth

We are Global

Download Below The HD version

